Autumn equinox; Alban Elued; Mabon.
The time and date can vary on where you are in the world but for the UK the precise moment will be on the 23rd at 1.04am GMT.
This festival marks the constant turning of the wheel of the year. Today the length of the day and the length of the night are equal. Afterwards the nights will get longer as we move into the quieter part of year.
Traditionally the second harvest festival where gathering the crops in and enjoying the bounty would be celebrated. Luckily we don't need to work as hard as our ancestors did to gather food to keep us going through the darker months. We can still enjoy the harvest though. Berries and fruits are plentiful and ripe this time if year, perfect for making cakes and crumbles.
It's also a time of balance. Light and dark are equal for the day. It teaches us that balance is important for the whole. The last half of the year has been about growth and reaping that reward where as this coming half of the year can be more about going within, collect your energy for the next season of growth, sow the seeds for new ideas now.
It's a reminder to start slowing down for the winter and to be thankful for what we have. Things to do can include going for walks, collect conkers and acorns for decorations; enjoy an autumnal fruit salad or crumble shared with friends; make a list of the things you are grateful for and plan ahead, plant bulbs now for a spring garden display.
However you choose to celebrate it, I hope you all have a wonderful day 🧡