** Update ** Oooh I passed the first part of the recruitment process, managed to get an interview for 21st September at 8am. Everything crossed for that and please keep me in your thoughts with Agni if at all possible 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻 thanks so much folks xxx **
Hi guys and gals. I recently started a new job and although it has its benefits I realised by going through the process, that I can change things up and I do need to just go for things if I want my personal situation to change and improve. Anyway tonight I’ve applied for another job, still within the same kind of umbrella but a couple of pay grades higher and basically I’m soooo nervous. I got the application in just within the cut off time and I’m really hoping I get through to the next stage of the process. If you have some spare time and don’t mind helping me out I would really appreciate some positive vibes and manifestation if you can spare them as my confidence is wavering. I know I can do the job I just need to prove it though and to be honest i really could use the extra cash! 😄 anyhow thank you in advance for any positivity you can spare. Lots of love, Debz xxx 💖🙏🏻💖
Oooh I passed the first part of the recruitment process, managed to get an interview for 21st September at 8am. Everything crossed for that and please keep me in your thoughts with Agni if at all possible 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻 thanks so much folks xxx
Sending positive vibes your way x
Good luck xx
Got you in my thoughts and agni by my side.
That's great news, sending you all the positive vibes. You can do this! 💜