Last night's live really touched a nerve with me. Recently I've been struggling with chronic depression which has taken me to a very dark place and ultimately last week nearly ended my life!!!!
I'm now speaking extreme therapy and on a soul healing journey.
The reason why I'm opening up to you all, is to open a window for others and to let you know you're not alone no matter how much you feel you are!
It's easier to talk outside of your current circle.
These are not just words I'm here for anyone that wants to talk, cry or put the world to rights. We can chat here or dm me @phoebe2chloe on insta
I've literally been through it all!!!
I don't want anyone to feel the way I have, although still healing I believe we can help each other xxx
Sending you all so much love, warm and healing wishes xxx
You've got this! And our community has got you!!!!!
Dan xxx xxx 🕉️🥄🕉️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much for sharing this Danielle. I'm going through a similar thing due to illness and it's not a nice place to be but this post has really helped me and I just want to let you and the rest of the community I'm here happy to listen anytime sending love to each and everyone of you amazing people ❤
One of the strongest advice I've received and is actually working Is recognising the problem, understanding and accepting the problem and releasing it Although sounds easy on paper... I'd usually hold on which had literally made me ill physically and mentally!!! Now I'm learning to let go it feels fantastic not to carry the negative thoughts! It could be as simple as a comment someone made years ago... But learning to let go is really helping me I've literally been through some horrific trauma over the years some so dark I can't talk about... As long as I can now accept it wasn't my fault and let it go I can finally move on I truly don't want anyone in the mind space I've been in recently! It is good to talk openly and feels great to support others xxx Thank you so much to everyone for all your love and support xxx
I have some some good habits when I turn to meditation, nature walks, distraction techniques, reading and I love mini courses but I also turn to my not so good habits when I eat a whole trifle or a giant bag of walkers crisps, I have a bed day where I just chuck that blanket over my head and put the out of order sign on my door 🤣 we are not perfect people and we deal with life in our own ways and that’s fine. Do what you need to do and if you find you really are struggling with darker thoughts always seek outside help x 💕💕
That is very true. This community can take tears and turn them into laughter. Although most of us have never met in person, we've become friends and we're all here for each other
We definitely can! 🤗
We're always here for you, this is such an amazing community with so much support for one another. If you ever want to chat about anything just dm me. Sending big hugs xxx 💜
Send love back to you too xxx I've been where you are, and it is a horrible, unbearable place, which no one should ever have to feel, but I hope you and everyone else who is/has visited there knows that there is always a purpose for our life on this world and there is always someone who you are meant to be in it for - be it family, friends or even a random stranger who you meet at a bus stop and you say something innocuous that sends their life in a different tangent. It's all for a purpose. It's hard to see when you're in that place, but again, talk is key. And again, dm if you want to chat xxx
you are so full of courage for this post dan thank you for sharing your story with us 💗💗💗💗💗 the offer is there from me to you and the whole community as well, my inbox on here or insta (@kylaravs) is ALWAYS open for the same chats and conversations 💗 we are all here for you xxxxx
We are here for you too Danielle, whenever you need us, that goes with anyone who is struggling as a community we can support one another and lift one another up. 💕