Hi everybody, I’m a 50 year old type 2 diabetic and I’m just wondering if there’s a crystal out there to try and help my Stomach to stop thinking my throats been cut…I’ve just eaten and I’m still starving…any help would be appreciated.
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Not sure about a crystal recommendation buddy but I’d look at your daily protein intake. Meals rich in protein help you to feel fuller for longer.
Going to combine the above info and suggest also looking into yellow apatite (if I remember correctly ade and lou have some upstairs too so yoy could see how it feels next visit too)
I like to use blue Apatite and clear Quartz myself but you could also try amethyst, agate, sodalite and peridot. I can also suggest using yellow crystals linking to the solar plexus chakra. Under your ear is a trigger point you can press while opening and closing your mouth a few times. Distraction techniques like meditation, colouring, reading, puzzles etc.